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Work Visa

How to acquire “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa?


“Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa is one of the main working visas in Japan. In this article, we would like to share some information regarding “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa briefly, such as the cautionary points as application and the types of work allowed with this visa.

What is “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International services” Visa?

“Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” is one of the working visas for the purpose of contributing the specified knowledge and skill that foreigner workers have to Japan. It is a statue of residence for being engaged in the occupations utilizing the knowledge of each department of various fields or majors such as engineering, natural science, and law, as well as the knowledge of foreign culture.

From this viewpoint, it is different from Specified skilled worker visa which is for hiring the workers who can hit the ground running due to the shortage of skilled labor.

What types of jobs are allowed to do with this visa?

Let’s take a look about the available jobs for “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa in each department of various fields or majors.

➡Engineer: Science major such as natural science, engineering or physical science


・Game development support, system design, test, inspection, and so on

・Software engineer

・Programmer or system engineer in telecommunications facility company

・Engaged in product development, test or employee training in auto manufacturer

・CAD engineer, project leader in auto manufacturer

・System development engineer in financial securities company

・System analyst or technical support in aircraft maintenance company

➡Specialist in Humanities: Humanities major such as law, economic and other


・Engaged in operation or employee training in shipping company

・Engaged in accounting work related to trading

・Consultant for businesses transaction

・Engaged in sales or management task in general food company

・Engaged in investigation task related to construction in construction firm

➡International Services: Occupation requiring thoughts or Sensibility regarding foreign culture


・Interpreter or translator for the transaction between general merchandise importers

・Engaged in the task for enhancing the partnerships with affiliates overseas or the local investigation as marketing automation in auto manufacturer

・Engaged in the airport passenger services of airline company, negotiation or collaboration with airline company overseas

・International flight attendant, language instructor in employee training of airline company

・Instructor in language class

Cautionary points of application for this visa

There are a few points need to be aware as apply for “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/

International Services” visa.

  • Work is related to the major or work experience

To acquire working visa, the work of the company that accepts dispatched worker should be relevant to the major or experience.  

For example, if you graduated from the law department or economic department at a 4 years collage, you are allowed to engage in the occupations of sales or accounting on the condition of acquiring “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa. The occupation must be the one utilizing knowledge or skill acquired in college, vocational school or work experience.

  • Income is equal with Japanese or higher

To acquire working visa as a foreigner, the income needs to be equal with Japanese or higher. Therefore, if the company does not have sufficient financial ability to pay its employee enough salary, there is a possibility that the visa not permitted.

  • Employer is stable financially

It is also important for the employer to be stable financially. Besides the applicants himself, immigration office could inspect the company accepting the applicant as well. Therefore, you may need to prepare the documents to prove the stability and continuity of the dispatching company you belong to, such as financial statement or business plan to disclose the financial condition of it.

  • There is no problem in behaviors

For those who have any criminal record or illegal stay previously, there is a possibility that visa not permitted. It is common that visa is not permitted due to exceeding the working hours stipulated in permission to engage in activities outside the status of residence for the students or unsatisfactory academic performance. Therefore, if you are a student who is considering to work in Japan after graduation, we suggest you to focus on your study for now and be aware not exceed the working hours permitted.


“Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” Visa is an essential statue of residence for the foreigner working in each department of various fields or majors in Japan. In recent years, more and more jobs have been allowed. For instance, that case that managers or personnel training officers of restaurants or convenience stores get the visa of “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” granted have been increasing recently.

However, there are a few points need to be aware of for the application of this visa, such as the work must be related to the major or work experience and so on.

For the foreigners living in Japan, though it is inevitable to be affected by the restrictions related to statues of residence, to live in Japan with not concerns, it is essential to obey each legal restriction and fulfill duty of notification. However, for the foreigners who entrust their organization including school or company to take care of related procedures instead of doing by themselves, it must be extremely difficult to find the right information regarding Japanese law from a huge amount of information on internet.

We are Yanagi group, who have the offices in Osaka (Abeno and Tennoji) and our affiliated offices in Tokyo (Shibuya and Ebisu) are also available for on-site consultation. We have handled many applications for permanent residence permits, naturalization permits, work visas, college student visas, management visas, etc., as well as visa renewal procedures related to status of residence with the Immigration Bureau (Immigration Bureau) as a one-stop service. Our experienced administrative scriveners are also available to help you with any problems you may have. We also have staff members who can speak each of the native languages and can assist you in obtaining a visa.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your status of residence or visa, even if they are trivial.

Toll free number: 0120-138-552 

For English speaker: 080-9346-2991

For Chinese speaker: 090-8456-6196

For Korean speaker: 090-8448-2133

For Vietnamese speaker: 080-5510-2593

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Editor of this article

Ryota Yanagimoto
Ryota Yanagimoto
Administrative Scrivener/Judicial Scrivener
Administrative scrivener corporation Yanagi group representative employee.
At the age of 24, he passed the national examinations for judicial scrivener, administrative scrivener, and wage service manager at the same time.
While working as a full-time lecturer at a major prep school, he independently opened a legal office related to judicial scriveners and administrative scriveners,
and he has experience as a judicial scrivener and an administrative scrivener for more than 15 years so far.

He has been actively contributing to various industries such as publicly listed companies, real estate companies, financial institutions, elderly care services, and professional organizations by conducting seminars, lectures, and talks.
And now he has a record of over 60 presentations so far.

Furthermore, as the president of a Japanese language school announced by the Ministry of Justice and Acts, and an advisor to a real estate company (capable of handling foreign clients),
he has been involved in various aspects of industries related to foreigners.

It is recommended to consult with experts when it comes to visas, naturalization, and residency matters.


Our office has specialized experts in visa and naturalization applications who are available to assist with free consultations (limited to the first session) and inquiries related to various visa applications and naturalization applications.
Additionally, we have foreign staff proficient in English, Chinese, and Korean languages with specialized knowledge, and they are present to provide support. They can accommodate consultations and inquiries in each language. Feel free to use our free consultation and inquiry services from here.

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