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Business Management Visa

Requirements of the Office for Business Manager Visa


This section explains in an easy-to-understand manner what the "office" requirement, one of the important points in applying for a Business Manager visa, one of the so-called work visas, must be satisfied.

What is a Business Manager Visa?

The Business Manager Visa is a status of residence granted for activities that substantially participate in the operation or management of a business that a foreign national or foreign corporation has established or invested in Japan (“activities to manage a trade or other business in Japan or to engage in the management of such business”).

In other words, the Business Manager visa is for managing a company in Japan or working as a manager of a large department such as a factory manager or branch manager.


Point 1) Almost all industries are eligible, and there is no distinction between for-profit and non-profit.

The Business Management visa is available for all types of businesses and industries, including manufacturing, retail, and service. In addition, if you are going to establish a company and become its manager, you are also eligible for a business management visa. However, this does not apply to businesses such as lawyers and accountants, which are covered by the “Legal/Accounting Services Visa”.


Point 2) When applying as a “manager,” education background and work experience are generally not required.

When applying as a “business manager,” there are no academic or work experience requirements. However, it should be noted that the Business Management visa has certain criteria regarding the minimum amount of capital and the “location” of the office.


Point 3) If you are applying via a start-up business, your business must be ready to operate immediately.

If you are applying via a start-up company, you must establish a company, hire employees, and have your business ready to operate immediately before applying. It is also important to note that the application will require documentation that can substantiate the stability and continuity of the business.


Outline of Business Management Visa


Work in corporate/business management or as a manager of a business department

Period of Stay

5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months, 4 months, or 3 months

Standard Ministerial Ordinance

There are requirements such as business premises and capitalization.




What is needed for an office to be considered secured

To obtain a Business Manager Visa, a foreigner must start his/her own business, and one of the requirements is to have a place of business in Japan.

So, what kind of office is suitable?

The conclusion first: the requirements for an office will differ depending on the nature of the business you are engaged in, but you will be judged on a practical basis as to whether the office is capable of conducting that business!

We will now explain the requirements in detail.

Lease agreement should be in the name of the corporation

If the office is leased, the contract must be signed in the name of the corporation.

However, the normal procedure for establishing a corporation is to secure an address (lease) first and then establish the corporation.

Thus, in most cases, the process will be the following.

(1) Lease contract in the name of an individual


(2) Incorporation


(3) Change the name on the lease agreement to the corporate name

*To avoid problems later, such as not being allowed to change the name in the lease contract, we recommend that you confirm whether you can have the contract changed to make the corporation the lessee when you first sign the contract as an individual, and take measures such as signing a memorandum of understanding to “change the name from the individual to the corporation after incorporation.”


*If the lease agreement is in the name of an individual, it will be more difficult to obtain a Business Manager Visa.




Purpose of use must be “For Business”

When an office is leased, it is necessary to clarify that the use of the office is for business, as a residence does not satisfy the requirement.


Purpose of use・・・〇 Includes a statement such as “office” or “office use permitted”.       ✖ “For Residence”


In the Ministry of Justice’s publication “Cases of Permission or Disapproval of a Residence as a Business Office”, the Ministry of Justice cites a case in which a residence is approved as an office even though the name in the lease contract remains residence, because, in fact, a special agreement was made with the landlord that the office is to be used as a “company office” and thus the business office is considered for business use.


The Business Facility of Substance

To obtain a business management visa,

The standard is that “the business office for operating the business must be located in this country (Japan)” or “the business office must be continuously operated in this country (Japan).”

Further, the Immigration Bureau indicates the following provisions set forth by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

● The economic activity is carried out under a single economic entity in a fixed location (occupying a certain area of land).

● The production or provision of goods and services is carried out continuously with personnel and equipment.

*Please note that a virtual office that does not meet these definitions thus cannot be considered an office used to obtain a Business Manager Visa.



As you can see from the above explanation, one of the requirements for applying for a business management visa is that your “place of business must be located in Japan. A “place of business” is an office or store where business is conducted, and an office or store is considered to have a place of business in Japan only if it is equipped with the necessary office equipment, fixtures, furniture, fittings, and other equipment to conduct business management and administration.


Independent Offices

The definition of an independent office is that it is clearly separated from other spaces by walls, doors, etc.

So, do the current trendy virtual offices, rental offices, and home offices qualify as independent offices for the purpose of obtaining a business management visa?


Each of these offices will be described.

Virtual Office

Since it does not allow continuous provision of services, etc. with facilities at a fixed location, this requirement cannot be substantially met.

In other cases, the Immigration Bureau also states that the use of rented locations, etc. on a monthly basis, or the use of food stalls, etc. that can be easily disposed of cannot be considered business establishments.

Virtual offices have the advantage of reducing costs and saving time and effort, but they are not acceptable as an office for obtaining a business management visa.

Rental Office

Rental offices, shared offices, common offices, etc., which do not have individual office space for each company, etc., are not acceptable as business offices.


However, it may be allowed if it meets certain conditions, such as clear partitions and a certain amount of space in place.

Home as Office

The office requirement for the Business Management Visa is that the place of residence and the office must be separate.

Therefore, in many cases, a business management visa cannot be obtained for a home-as-office.

However, it can be approved if the conditions are met.



☑Landlord permits use for other than residential purposes.

☑There is a dedicated room for doing business.

☑You can go from the entrance to the business room without passing through the living space.

☑ Signs for businesses, etc.



Various other detailed conditions must be met, but if the conditions are met, it may be approved.

There are several other detailed requirements that must be fulfilled by the office for a business management visa, which can be complicated and more difficult, so if you are considering obtaining a business management visa, we recommend that you consult with a specialist.



Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use my residence as my office if I apply for a business administration visa? (h3)

A. It is undesirable for the residence and office to be the same.

At the very least, business space and living space must be clearly separated.

Other arrangements such as separation of utility bills, etc. will be required.


Q. Is it possible to obtain a business administration visa from a virtual office or an office in a space leased for a short period of time on a month-to-month basis? (h3)


Virtual offices, short-term month-to-month rental spaces, and easily disposable food stalls are not recognized as a continuous “place of business” for the purpose of obtaining a business management visa, since they do not have facilities and provide services, etc. continuously at a fixed location.


To be recognized as a business or office for business management,

-The economic activity is conducted under a single management entity, occupying a location (a certain area of land).

-The production or provision of goods and services is carried out on a continuous basis with personnel and equipment.

Both points are essential.

Therefore, it is important to avoid these types of establishments when applying for a business management visa.




In this issue, we have introduced one of the important points in the application for a Business Manager Visa, the “office”. Below is a summary, so if you would like to take a look at it, please feel free to use it for your reference.

● In most cases, the lease contract for renting an office is initially signed in the name of an individual, but it is necessary to change the name on the lease contract before the visa application is submitted. (Personal name ⇨ Change to the name of the newly established corporation)


●The purpose of the office materials must be for business use.

Purpose of use・・・〇 Includes statement such as “office” or “office use permitted”

                  ✖ “For Residence”


● Please note that the independent office requirement means a clearly separated from other spaces by walls, doors, etc., and cannot be met by trendy virtual offices, rental offices, shared offices, common offices, etc., which do not have individual office space for the company.


●If your home is to be used as a residence and business, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist as it is more complicated and more difficult.


Related Blogs

We support such visa applications in a friendly, courteous, and speedy manner, carefully listening to the applicant’s situation and other details, and providing support with the peace of mind and satisfaction that only a specialist can offer.


For better resolution of applicants’ problems, we provide one-stop legal services in cooperation with not only administrative scriveners but also attorneys, judicial scriveners, and other professionals as a legal group, as needed.

We also have foreign staff available in English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.


First of all, if you have any concerns about your status of residence or visa, please feel free to contact us, even if it is a trivial matter.


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Toll-free number: 0120-138-552 

For English speakers: 080-9346-2991

For Chinese speakers: 090-8456-6196

For Korean speakers: 090-8448-2133

For Vietnamese speakers: 080-5510-2593

Editor of this article

Ryota Yanagimoto
Ryota Yanagimoto
Administrative Scrivener/Judicial Scrivener
Administrative scrivener corporation Yanagi group representative employee.
At the age of 24, he passed the national examinations for judicial scrivener, administrative scrivener, and wage service manager at the same time.
While working as a full-time lecturer at a major prep school, he independently opened a legal office related to judicial scriveners and administrative scriveners,
and he has experience as a judicial scrivener and an administrative scrivener for more than 15 years so far.

He has been actively contributing to various industries such as publicly listed companies, real estate companies, financial institutions, elderly care services, and professional organizations by conducting seminars, lectures, and talks.
And now he has a record of over 60 presentations so far.

Furthermore, as the president of a Japanese language school announced by the Ministry of Justice and Acts, and an advisor to a real estate company (capable of handling foreign clients),
he has been involved in various aspects of industries related to foreigners.

It is recommended to consult with experts when it comes to visas, naturalization, and residency matters.


Our office has specialized experts in visa and naturalization applications who are available to assist with free consultations (limited to the first session) and inquiries related to various visa applications and naturalization applications.
Additionally, we have foreign staff proficient in English, Chinese, and Korean languages with specialized knowledge, and they are present to provide support. They can accommodate consultations and inquiries in each language. Feel free to use our free consultation and inquiry services from here.

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